Кариерен център

Факултет по математика и информатика

бул. Джеймс Баучер 5

тел. 02 / 8161 589


Junior Penetration Tester for SAP HANA Cloud Platform


 Are you eager to learn about the security risks that modern cloud offerings face and how to protect against them? Do you want to understand different security attacks, explore for vulnerabilities, and learn how to protect against them?

We know that security is critical aspect for the success of our customers and for their trust to SAP products. It is even more relevant and challenging for cloud offerings such as SAP HANA Cloud Platform - the SAP Platform-as-a-Service offering for building, deploying and managing enterprise applications in the Cloud.

We want to guarantee highest level of information and system security to our SAP HANA Cloud Platform customers. One of the methodologies we apply to achieve it is via penetration testing.


More information and Apply here.
