Кариерен център

Факултет по математика и информатика

бул. Джеймс Баучер 5

тел. 02 / 8161 589


Webmaster/Programmer for Euro consultancy firm

  EUROPROJECT is a French-Bulgarian consultancy company specialised in European projects. It was created in 2005 to help Bulgarian companies and research centres to innovate. It benefits from the expertise and experience of its French mother company Euroquality which has been carrying out European project setting-up and management for more than fifteen years.

Summer Trainee Engineering Program, Summer 2016 - Google’s EMEA University Programs

We are opening up the chance to faculty to refer their students for our step internships due to the very high standard of referrals in our first pilot 2015. These are internships for first and second years only. Bachelor students, graduating in 2018+ and beyond are welcome to apply for this trainee internship as it is a great way to get some experience and prepare for life as a full time software engineer.

Пролетна стажантска кампания на Немечек България

 Започна кандидатстването за пролетната стажантска кампания на Немечек България. Повече информация за нея можете да намерите тук.


JavaScript Developer - Novarto

 Working at Novarto means becoming part of a fast growing company with world-leading expertise in e-commerce and customer management software solutions. Our customers run businesses with thousands of offline shops, enjoy digital marketplaces with >10,000 page views/sec. They rely on our team to bring them on the next technology level and help them grow.

Java Developer - Novarto

 Working at Novarto means becoming part of a fast growing company with world-leading expertise in e-commerce and customer management software solutions. Our customers run businesses with thousands of offline shops, enjoy digital marketplaces with >10,000 page views/sec and rely on our team to bring them on the next technology level and help them grow.

Стажантска програма 2016 г.на Chaos Group

 "За четвърта година Chaos Group, компанията разработчик на световно известния рендеринг софтуер V-Ray, обявява своята стажантска програма за студенти в областта на програмирането.



An Opportunity to Join A Leading Education Start Up

We are an education start up based in Reading, UK founded by a former Director of Pearson, the world’s largest education company and Oxford University Press making wonderful products that have been created to transform education, the way we learn and the way we engage with fellow learners.


СТАЖ ПО ПРОГРАМИРАНЕ Javascript /януари-юни 2016 г./

 Софтуерна компания предлага 2-месечни и 3-месечни стажове по програмиране и възможност за започване на постоянна работа.

Ние сме Абати АД, софтуерна компания, 100% българска, работеща единствено и само на българския пазар.

През 2011 година изработихме информационната система „Преброяване 2011”, чрез която през Интернет се преброи почти половин България, както и редица други системи от национално значение. Само през 2015 година сме разработили осем национални информационни системи използвани от всеки гражданин и фирма в България.

Лекция „Programming with Big Code: Probabilistic Learning, Program Analysis and Synthesis“

Този четвъртък (17.12.2015 г.) от 17:00 в зала 325, д-р Мартин Вечев от ETH-Цюрих ще изнесе лекция на тема „Programming with Big Code: Probabilistic Learning, Program Analysis and Synthesis“. д-р Вечев е носител на наградата Джон Атанасов за 2009, връчена от президента на Република България. Подробна информация за събитието и кратка биография на лектора можете да намерите по-долу.

Abstract: The increased availability of massive codebases (e.g., GitHub), a term referred to as ``Big Code'', creates an exciting opportunity for new kinds of programming tools based on probabilistic models. Enabled by these models, tomorrow’s tools will provide statistically likely solutions to programming tasks that are difficult or impossible to solve with traditional techniques

Стажове в Европейската космическа агенция

Are you about to take your finals? Or do you already have your Masters degree in the bag? If so, then you can apply to ESA as a 'Young Graduate Trainee' (YGT). This high-calibre programme lasts for one year and gives successful applicants an opportunity to gain valuable experience in the development and operation of space missions. As a Graduate Trainee, you’ll take on a responsible role in supporting a project, and benefit from the expertise of an ESA mentor.