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Факултет по математика и информатика

бул. Джеймс Баучер 5

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"Презентация на Infragistics -Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4"

Заповядайте на 2 февруари, от 19:00 часа в Център Илиев, който се намира в Студенски Град, София (точно зад сградата на зала Хр.Ботев)

Ето и кратко представяне за самата компания:

Jason Beres is the VP of Product Management for Infragistics, the world leader in user interface development tools and experts in the User Experience (UX) market. Jason is a founders of Florida .NET User Groups, he is the founder of the Central New Jersey .NET User Group, he is a Microsoft MVP, and he is on the INETA Speakers Bureau. Jason is the author of several books on .NET development, including the recently published Silverlight 3 Programmers Reference from Wrox Press

and the upcoming Silverlight 4 Professional from Wrox Press. Jason is a national and international conference speaker; he is a frequent columnist for several .NET publications, and keeps very active in the .NET community.


Ето и кратко описание на презентацията на Jason:


Building Better Experiences using Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4


Visual Studio 2010 is right around the corner, and it's a completely new IDE based on WPF, chock full of exciting new features and productivity enhancers. So now is a great time to figure out the answers to these 2 key questions:


· What's in Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4 for me?

· What is going to take to learn all of this?


In this talk, we'll answer those questions. You'll get an understanding of the full run down of new features in Visual Studio 2010, including the new testing and debugging features, new data options, new deployment scenarios, new code editor features and many other new time savers and coding enhancers. You'll also get an understanding of new language features in Visual Basic and C#, as well as the new support for the F# language and the new project support for Silverlight 4, Windows Azure, SharePoint and Microsoft Office applications. At the conclusion of this talk, you'll know exactly why you need Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4, and how they will improve your coding experience and capabilities to build even better software in 2010 and beyond!


Продължителноста на презентацията ще е около 1:30 часа, след нея ще има почерпка.