Кариерен център

Факултет по математика и информатика

бул. Джеймс Баучер 5

тел. 02 / 8161 589


Open PhD and postdoc positions at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

The department ELEC of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium, offers several funded PhD and postdoc positions in low-rank approximation, focused on numerical methods and applications in signal processing and system identification.

We are looking for candidates with strong background in numerical linear algebra and optimization. Experience in system theory and system identification is an advantage but is not required. Candidates should have excellent English language skills and working knowledge in numerical computing and software development.

The open positions fit into the following funded research projects:

These projects cover a wide range of applications and theoretical research topics. The specific topics for the PhD/postdoc positions will be adapted to fit the interests of the candidates.

In order to apply, contact Ivan Markovsky by email with CV.