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Факултет по математика и информатика

бул. Джеймс Баучер 5

тел. 02 / 8161 589


Free Positions at Digital Route Bulgaria

  It is highly probable that at some point in time your data has passed through technology from DigitalRoute. If your turn on the heating in your house, travel by airplane, buy a train ticket or make a call with your phone from anywhere in the world. There is a great chance that the company behind these services use our technology as an enabler. You may not know about us, but the companies you trust to provide these daily services certainly do.

At our head office, located in the center of Stockholm, you will have the opportunity to work on some of today’s most existing problems in big data and real-time data stream processing and apply DigitalRoute’s magic.

You will join an amazing team that has a 17-year history of product innovation in high performance computing, data integration and machine learning. Few other companies on the planet can boast the proven extreme performance and scalability that DigitalRoute’s products do and this is a chance to work among the best. 

Out free positions:
