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Google на гости във ФМИ

Презентация "Как Google изпълнява програмите си - поглед върху клъстер мениджъра на фирмата”

Кога: 27.10.2016 г., четвъртък, от 17:00 до 19:00 ч.

Къде: Зала 210 на Химическия факултет на СУ

Записване: https://goo.gl/b2CVFp



CSC (Computer Sciences Corporation, NYSE: CSC, csc. com) is a global leader in providing technology

enabled business solutions and services. Recently CSC reported revenue of $13.5 billion achieved by

76,000 professionals serving clients in more than 90 countries.

CSC Bulgaria, an essential near-shore delivery center of CSC for Central and Eastern Europe, currently

employs about 510 IT professionals located in Sofia and Varna.

More here.


  Are You Looking For a Fun Place to Work? 

Join The Game! 

A leading publisher of digital and social games, Gameloft® has established itself as one of the top innovators in its field since 2000. 

Gameloft creates games for all digital platforms and is present on all continents, distributing its games across 100 countries and employing over 6,000 employees. 


По-малко от седмица за кандидатстване в стипендиантската програма „Studi iT First“

  „По време на стажа видях какво е да работиш по реален проект, какво означава да работиш в екип и да се съобразяваш със срокове. Също така видях какво е да се учиш „в движение” – всеки ден да научаваш нови неща, които на следващия вече се налага да приложиш.“, споделя впечатленията си един от стипендиантите в пилотното издание на програма „Studi iT First“.

Стартира новото издание на стипендиантската програма “Study iT First”

  Стартира новото издание на стипендиантската програмаStudy iT First” на SAP Labs България, реализирана в партньорство с Фондация „Работилница за граждански инициативи"(ФРГИ). Програмата пилотира миналата година с 13 стипендианти, а във второто издание ще бъдат подкрепени още 10 първокурсници.

Стипендиантска програма на Telebid Pro - hackIT first

 Telebid Pro обявява стипендиантската програма hackIT first. Програмата дава възможност на студенти в първи или втори курс от ИТ специалности да се обучават като получават месечна стипендия, както и възможност за платен стаж в Telebid Pro. Целта на програмата е да развие практически умения като се фокусира изцяло към проекти в разработката на софтуер.

Living in interesting times - Отворена лекция на Делян Лилов CEO на Мусала Софт

 11.10 (вторник) във ФМИ от 18:00ч. ,зала 325 на ФМИ Делян Лилов, CEO на Мусала Софт, ще има отворена лекция на тема Living in interesting times - The disruptive transformation of the IT industry and what it means to software development.

Java-web developer trainee European Ombudsman office

Each year, the European Ombudsman offers the opportunity to a java‐web

developer trainee to assist in the development of the Ombudsmanʹs Internet

and Extranet sites (http://www.ombudsman.europa.eu).


The profile sought is as follows:

● Good knowledge of Java, J2ee, and HTML/CSS

● Knowledge of JavaServer Faces (JSF), Hibernate, Spring, and Oracle SQL

would be an advantage

● Development environment: Eclipse

● Working languages: English and/or French

During the traineeship, you will be using the following tools:

● Analysis: Magic Draw (UML)

● Design: Eclipse, SQL Developer

● Testing: JUnit, Silk Performer, Selenium

● Project Management: Jira

● Quality: Sonar

Full-time paid internships - CERN

The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) would like to ask you to promote full-time paid internships (4-12 months) to your students. There’s no better way to learn than on-the-job. When that job happens to be in a world-famous organisation and centre of scientific excellence, even better.

The programme itself is a practical training period, where the students get a chance to work on interesting projects. You can view some examples of projects under the following link. It is also possible for students to complete their final project at CERN, such as their bachelor or master thesises.

Java Internship Program SAP Labs Bulgaria


As market leader in enterprise application software, SAP helps companies of all sizes and industries innovate through simplification. From the back office to the boardroom, warehouse to storefront, on premise to cloud, desktop to mobile device – SAP empowers people and organizations to work together more efficiently and use business insight more effectively to stay ahead of the competition. SAP applications and services enable customers to operate profitably, adapt continuously, and grow sustainably.


MUFFIN Conference 2016


Технологични иновации, soft skills и много награди очакват участниците в MUFFIN Conference 2016!

На 8 октомври 2016г. (събота) в София ще се проведе технологична конференция MUFFIN 2016. Събитието  се организира от софтуерна компания Мусала Софт и включва актуални теми за технологични иновации, ИТ тенденции, процеси, развиване на soft skills (т.нар. „меки умения“). Конференцията събира стотици софтуерни инженери и специалисти, а достъпът е напълно безплатен след предварителна online регистрация на сайта. 

DevOps Quality Assurance internship for 6 months - SAP Labs Bulgaria


As market leader in enterprise application software, SAP helps companies of all sizes and industries innovate through simplification. From the back office to the boardroom, warehouse to storefront, on premise to cloud, desktop to mobile device – SAP empowers people and organizations to work together more efficiently and use business insight more effectively to stay ahead of the competition. SAP applications and services enable customers to operate profitably, adapt continuously, and grow sustainably.


Junior Data Modelling Analyst - Experian Bulgaria

 We are the leading global information services company, providing data and analytical tools to our clients around the world. We help businesses to manage credit risk, prevent fraud, target marketing offers and automate decision making.

We also help people to check their credit report and credit score, and protect against identity theft.  In 2015, we were named by Forbes magazine as one of the ‘World’s Most Innovative Companies’.

We employ approximately 17,000 people in 38 countries and our corporate headquarters are in Dublin, Ireland, with operational headquarters in Nottingham, UK; California, US; and São Paulo, Brazil.