Кариерен център

Факултет по математика и информатика

бул. Джеймс Баучер 5

тел. 02 / 8161 589


Senior developer


International company specialized in development of innovative software solutions is searching for a Senior Developer to join our team. "Relationwise" is currently active in Denmark, Sweden and the UK. With a management team of strong profiles, we now have ambitions to introduce our expertise to new countries.

More information here.

Стипендии на Фондация „Еврика“

За дванадесета поредна година стартира конкурсната кампания за определяне на носителите на именните стипендии на Фондация „Еврика“. 

Краен срок за подаване на документи – 15 октомври 2014 г.

Повече информация ТУК и ТУК

Близо 1 500 младежи с шанс за работа в администрацията

За 1 457 работни места в администрацията могат да кандидатстват младежи с висше образование и без стаж по специалността от днес до края на септември в бюрата по труда в цялата страна.

Нова стажантска позиция на фирма Немечек - Test Automation Developer

Our open Internship position is:

Test Automation Developer

You will work on:

  • Develop automation scripts and configure testing frameworks to ensure software is with needed quality.
  • Interpreting functional and system documentation.
  • Creating test case documentation.

It is respectful and very interesting job – try it yourself! 

Such specialists are very needed and the role of Test Automation Developer becomes more important in modern software development business.

Graduate in Delivery Team

Experian is the leading global information services company, providing data and analytical 

tools to clients around the world. The Group helps businesses to manage credit risk, prevent 

fraud, target marketing offers and automate decision making. Experian also helps individuals 

to check their credit report and credit score, and protect against identity theft. 


Experian plc is listed on the London Stock Exchange (EXPN) and is a constituent of the FTSE 

EDA Software Development Engineer - Sofia

Silvaco, a leading provider of Technology Computer Aided Design and Electronic Design Automation software is looking for energetic Software Engineers in Sofia to develop our leading software products for Schematic capture (called Gateway) and IC Layout Editing (called Expert). These positions are mainly software development to build our next generation EDA tools, along with some customer support to troubleshoot issues and debug the software.


NEVEXIS is a fast growing Bulgarian company specialized in providing IT services for the

financial industry in Bulgaria and Europe. We excel in the areas of Core Banking integration, 

CRM, Business Intelligence and System Integration. Our clients include some of the leading 

banks in Germany and Southeastern Europe. NEVEXIS’s business and strategic partnerships 

allow our employees to work on a wide range of projects, develop and strengthen their 

experience and skills, and achieve higher level of performance.



През настоящата година Европейската комисия присъди на СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“ разширена Университетска харта Еразъм за периода 2014/2020 година, която дава възможност на нашия университет да предложи на студентите и докторантите да участват в мобилност с цел практика.

Стаж по Програмиране на .NET в Абати АД. Началото на стажа е предвидено за есента на 2014г.


Софтуерна компания предлага 3-месечен стаж по програмиране и възможност след стажа за започване на постоянна работа.

Повече информация тук.

Стажантска програма 2014


Всяка година предоставяме възможност на талантливи млади хора да се потопят в ежедневния ритъм на реалния бизнес. Ставайки част от нашата стажантска програма студентите имат възможността да придобият нови знания и практически бизнес умения.

Повече информация тук.

TSD's Internship Program in Software Development 2014

 Choosing an employer can be one of the most important decisions you make in life, thinking in long-term plan!

TSD Services, Ltd is a growing company of talented, highly-motivated, capable people with different skill sets, operating from both offices of company in Troyan and Sofia. Working with us will enable you to build up expertise with different technologies and to expand your skills. If you are motivated to kick-start your professional career and being part of a dynamic multinational team, TSD is the right place!

More information here. 

PHP Developer

We are seeking a full-time PHP developer with Drupal experience to join our development team in Sofia. This individual will work with the StoreGecko team on new e-commerce projects, from initial business development and discovery phases through implementation and deployment of the completed projects.

More information here.