Кариерен център

Факултет по математика и информатика

бул. Джеймс Баучер 5

тел. 02 / 8161 589


Стаж в ОП "Софпроект - ОГП"

Задачите по време на стажа са предимно в областта на системната интеграция. Изискват се базови познания по алгоритми и умения за работа с мрежови ресурси, желателно е кандидатите да имат и базови умения за работа със СУБД. В идеалният случай да могат да ползват Python или JavaScript като езици за изработване на програмните логики. Разбира се важно е да се демонстрира желание за запознаване с понятията от света на географските информационни системи, но не се изискват специфични предварителни умения за работа с такива.

Free Positioins at Ubisoft Sofia

 Established in 2006, Ubisoft Sofia has grown to a world-class game dev studio. Throughout the years, it has developed a rich portfolio, ranging from casual to action adventure games, and covering a wide range of platforms and technologies. The Studio has brought its expertise and creativity into brands such as Tom Clancy’s®, Prince of Persia®, and Assassin’s Creed®.

Стажантска програма на CNsys

  СИЕНСИС е доставчик на ИТ технологии и услуги, които адаптира и внедрява, използвайки бизнес ориентиран подход към клиентите си. Ние сме сред ТОП 3 на българските системни интегратори, които оперират на българския ИТ пазар.

Работим като директен Платинен/Златен партньор  с най-големите световни ИТ производители на хардуер и софтуер като Cisco Systems, DELL EMC, Hewlett Packard  Enterprise ( HPE), HP Inc, Oracle SUN, Microsoft и VMware.

СИЕНСИС е доказан доставчик на  инфраструктурни софтуерни решения за управление и анализ на данни, виртуализация, и архивиране на базата на продукти и технологии на Microsoft, VMware, Veeam, Microfocus, IBM Software и RedHAT.

Technical Support Engineer


Who are we?

We are a team of 35+ talented, highly motivated, goal-driven, and fun professionals building next-gen user interface technology and changing the face of video games. We work with cutting-edge game engines, software, and hardware to solve hard technology problems for game developers. Coherent Labs started seven years ago and is run by developers and gamers with vast experience in the gaming industry. Our customers, spread around the globe, love our product and our technology powers amazing games like Bluehole’s PUBG and Microsoft’s Sea of Thieves.

Who are you?

Bosch Future Mobility Challenge 2020

"Bosch Future Mobility Challenge" е международно студентско техническо състезание за разработване на алгоритми за автономно шофиране на превозни средства. Отборите се сформират от 2 до 5 студенти (бакалавър или магистър) и ментор (преподавател или учен от университет, вкл. докторант).

Онлайн регистрацията за участие на отбор е до 31 октомври 2019: https://www.boschfuturemobility.com/thechallenge/jointhechallenge

Junior Information Risk Management (IRM) Specialist

Job Description

KPMG is inviting ambitious and forward thinking graduates to join our growing Audit & Assurance team and get on an accelerated career path.

In your first year in this role you will participate in audit, assurance and advisory engagements for large international and local clients and will build strong professional knowledge through:

Junior Mobile Application Developer for iOS at Mobisystem


Who are we?

MobiSystems is the company behind OfficeSuite and File Commander – both ranked amongst the top 10 Google Play Business apps and installed on more than 300 million devices worldwide. MobiSystems creates and sells its own mobile apps since 2001. It is also the developer and exclusive publisher of a range of best-selling mobile dictionary apps based on data from Oxford University Press, Harper Collins and a few other top publishers.

Currently we have ovеr 150 employees in our headquarters in Bulgaria and offices in the US, Japan and Sweden.

What are we looking for?

Beyond Pre-accelerator Programme of JA Bulgaria

От днес можете да кандидатствате в новата преакселераторска програма Beyond, която се реализира от The Edge: R&BD и Junior Achievement Bulgaria.

Програмата е насочена към младежи на възраст между 18 и 29 години – млади професионалисти или студенти – бакалаври, магистри и докторанти, които искат да работят върху създаването и развитието на технологични lean стартъпи в направленията умни градове; суровини + кръгова икономика; здравеопазване.

Най-добрите екипи ще получат парична награда, която да ги подпомогне в реализацията на идеята.

Научете повече на сайта www.beyondaccelerate.com или фейсбук https://www.facebook.com/BeyondPreaccelerator/.

Career Opportunities at IndogoVerge

 IndigoVerge is a software studio for complete web, mobile and cloud solutions with more than 12 years of experience. Our long list of successful projects positions us as a reliable technology partner who can be fully entrusted with the entire implementation cycle of any technology project. 

IndigoVerge has a team of passionate, entrepreneurial, dedicated and talented members and counts on them to deliver the quality, innovation and solutions that the customers expect. 

Following the expansion of our activities, we are looking to onboard innovative thinkers who have the ambition to push their own boundaries, constantly to learn and develop to achieve their career goals.

FMI Club: За кариерния път в софтуерната индустрия и как да вървим по него

На събитието с Николай Стоицев ще си поговорим за това какви са нивата в кариерния път на софтуерните инженери и какво се очаква да можем и знаем на всяко ниво и Как да станем мениджъри на екип или продуктови мениджъри. Как да усъвършенстваме нови умения и да насочваме усилията си в кариерния растеж?

Ще ви очакваме на 15-ти октомври от 19.30 часа в зала 325 на ФМИ. За да присъствате се регистрирайте тук: http://bit.ly/2lMMdS8

Какво е FMI Club?

Free Job Positions at Smart IT


Smart IT (Smart Innovative Technologies) is a software development organization with 12 years extensive experience in programming business-orientated solutions.

Our team of 110+ experts (Software Developers, QA, BI, BA, IT Support, System Administration specialists and Project Managers) has far-reaching enterprise-level practice on constructing ERP, Business Intelligence systems, FinTech solutions and Core integration software. The software systems of SmartIT help 7 700 associates in the non-banking financial sector of Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Macedonia and Bulgaria to serve 457 000+ clients every day.

Our teams are growing and now we have openings for:

Free Internship Positions at Atos

Atos is a global leader in digital transformation with 120,000 employees in 73 countries and annual revenue of € 13 billion. European number one in Cloud, Cybersecurity and High-Performance Computing, the Group provides end-to-end Orchestrated Hybrid Cloud, Big Data, Business Applications and Digital Workplace solutions through its Digital Transformation Factory, as well as transactional services through Worldline, the European leader in the payment industry. With its cutting-edge technologies and industry knowledge, Atos supports the digital transformation of its clients across all business sectors. The Group is the Worldwide Information Technology Partner for the Olympic & Paralympic Games and operates under the brands Atos, Atos Syntel, Unify and Worldline.

Free Job Positions at Inensia

INENSIA is a young international company founded in late 2017, dynamically developing since then. The company is specialized in providing to industrial customers all the services to digitalize the business processes in product engineering, simulation and production areas using PLM solutions (product life cycle management). We partner with major PLM technology provides – Siemens and Aras, and our customers are industrial companies in various sectors – electronics, mechanical engineering, automotive, aerospace, pharmaceutical etc.

INENSIA offers career development opportunities in the area of software programming and business consulting for industrial companies. Our job offers are in two main directions: