Кариерен център

Факултет по математика и информатика

бул. Джеймс Баучер 5

тел. 02 / 8161 589



IT Project Manager

Komfo is the leading IT Company in Scandinavia which develops Facebook Applications and Facebook Products. We mainly help our customers to communicate via Facebook. Komfo is the only Scandinavian Facebook Prefered Developer Consultant. Some of our clients are Nike, Sony Ericsson, The Royal Danish Aifrorce, Danish Railroad Services, Roskilde festival and many others.


Komfo is the leading IT Company in Scandinavia which develops Facebook Applications and Facebook Products. We mainly help our customers to communicate via Facebook. Komfo is the only Scandinavian Facebook Prefered Developer Consultant. Some of our clients are Nike, Sony Ericsson, The Royal Danish Aifrorce, Danish Railroad Services, Roskilde festival and many others.

Web програмист

Фирма търси да назначи на работа студент с обстойни познания в областта на: PHP, CSS, HTML, MYSQL и др.

Изисквания към кандидатите:

Кандидатите могат да бъдат студенти в редовна или задочна форма на обучение.

Начин за кандидатстване:

За контакти тел: 0885 68 73 69


Отворени семинари на Мусала Софт: Spring MVC and DAO Support


Отворени семинари на Мусала Софт: Spring MVC and DAO Support, 17.12.2010

(петък), 17:30 ч., бул. Драган Цанков 36, Интерпред, зала Бургас

По време на семинара ще се запознаем с ключови похвати като Dependency

Injection/Inversion of Control и как Spring изгражда вътрешната

инфраструктура на едно приложение.

Ще се направи въведение в различните способи, които Spring Framework

предоставя за връзка и работа с бази от данни, Schedule tasks и начинът за

имплементация на MVC, web services и RESTfull services. Ще бъдат показани

Software Development Team Leader with PHP

Komfo is the leading IT Company which develops Facebook Applications and Facebook Products. We mainly help our customers to communicate via Facebook. Komfo is the only Scandinavian Facebook Prefered Developer Consultant. Some of our clients are Nike, Sony Ericsson, The Royal Danish Aifrorce, Danish Railroad Services, Roskilde festival and many others.

Senior System Administrator (Debian)

Komfo is the leading IT Company which develops Facebook Applications and Facebook Products. We mainly help our customers to communicate via Facebook. Komfo is the only Scandinavian Facebook Prefered Developer Consultant. Some of our clients are Nike, Sony Ericsson, The Royal Danish Aifrorce, Danish Railroad Services, Roskilde festival and many others.


Bulwork® is the first IT/ITES recruitment agency in Bulgaria. The company has established a reputation for delivering high quality services to both candidates and clients. One of our customers- US corporation, one of the top 5 world producers of networking equipment, is looking for:


Installation Support Agent, 487463

In order for us to process your application please ensure you complete all questions on the application form and ensure you attach your CV in English. In case you have questions about HP Graduate Development Program, please contact graduate.info@hp.com indicating your Country Name and Job Number in the email subject field.

Company Profile


Bulwork® is the first IT/ITES recruitment agency in Bulgaria. The company has established a reputation for delivering high quality services to both candidates and clients. One of our customers - an international company providing optimization in wide range of IT services, is looking to recruit for its start-up office in Sofia

Team Lead Support Engineers


Bulwork® is the first IT/ITES recruitment agency in Bulgaria. The company has established a reputation for delivering high quality services to both candidates and clients. One of our clients-an international company specialized in the improvement and optimization of different IT operations, is looking to recruit for its start-up office in Sofia


Bulwork® is the first IT/ITES recruitment agency in Bulgaria. The company has established a reputation for delivering high quality services to both candidates and clients. One of our customers - an international company, which is specialized in the field of software applications development and particularly in development of web applications for trade, is looking for: